Feed mix for calves 2-3 months old, weights 100 kg:

1- Green fodder: 2 kg of sprouted barley per day.2- The feed mixture is divided as follows:

3- As a feed additive, 1/2% fish oil can be added as follows:

  • Crude protein 16%·
  • starch equivalent to 64%.

At a rate of 2 kg per 100 kg live weight.

Caw fattening mixture:

It is given in the above-mentioned quantities:

  • Morning: fodder mixture + hay
  • Noon: Clove variety or green barley (green fodder)
  • Evening: forage mixture + hay

Production Enhanced Feed Mix:

How do you use:

  • She is given 18 kg of concentrated feed
  • 4 kg of hay distributed in two batches, morning and evening

As a feed additive: you can add

  • Fish oil 2%
  • Use of baker’s yeast 10 grams / day / cow

 It leads to a noticeable improvement in production.